Zip Moving and Storage

The Fun Side of Moving

Moving Out – Game Review By Real Movers

Moving out game

Read Time : 4 minutes

Who would have thought there would be a moving video game? Not moving as in, the game makes you move like on Nintendo Wii, but moving as in relocating from one residence to another. 

Moving Out is a game under development by Team17, and it is coming out on April 28th. The game will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam and there is a free demo out on all platforms.

To see how this game works click on link 

It’s only natural that we gave this game a go, and it surprised the hell out of us! First of all, the physics in this game are so real and the co-op option makes really put out skills to the test.

This moving game is packed with humor, it has also plenty of surprises

As employees of the Smooth Moves moving company, based in the busy town of Packmore, it is our duty to perform our tasks to the best of our abilities and move furniture from point A to point B as creatively as we can.

movers game
Moving Out shows that moving can be a barrel of fun ( Source:

Choose your character and start moving

We start as newly certified Furniture Arrangement & Relocation Technicians, or FARTs and navigate our way through the busy suburbs, frenzied farms and haunted houses, getting the job done and growing our business from the ground up. 

The game is very linear, with each level being more difficult than the last, and at one point we just started throwing out furniture out the window. The characters are ridiculous and very customizable and you can play with as many as four friends. We had the most fun with slapping all sorts of things. You simply approach an object and slap it.

Give this couch co-op (pun intended) a go while you wait for an opening with Zip Moving and Storage. We promise that we will not throw your furniture through the window or slap your belongings!

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